Quantum Software Research Hub at Osaka University
● QIQB awarded Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)’s “COI-NEXT” program
- 2020-29, approx. 4 million USD/year
- Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology (QIQB), Osaka Univ.
- Consortium of Osaka Univ. and 16 industrial partners:
QunaSys, Toyota Tsusho, e-trees.Japan, AGC, AWS, Bridgestone, DIC, Fujitsu Laboratories, HITACHI, ITOCHU Techno-Solutions, JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration, NF Holdings, Sony, TOSOH, etc.
●Core Researchers:
- Masahiro Kitagawa (PL)
- Keisuke Fujii
- Wataru Mizukami
- Makoto Negoro
- Kosuke Mitarai
●Core Competence:
- Quantum Circuit Learning
- Quantum Chemistry
- Qulacs Simulator
- Quantum Middleware
●Aiming to solve SDGs with quantum software
- Goal 2: Zero Hunger. The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.
- Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.
- Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.
- Goal 13: Climate Action. Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.
【Quantum Software Innovation Hub homepage】
【contact address】
JST page of COI-NEXT (in Japanese) https://www.jst.go.jp/pr/info/info1475/index.html
Japan’s Quantum Technology Inovation Strategies (in Japanese) https://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/siryo/haihui048/siryo4-2.pdf
Requirements for Quantum Software Innovation Hub by JST (in Japanese) https://www.jst.go.jp/pf/platform/file/2020/2020_kyousounoba_youryoubessi.pdf